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填空题 Inadequate rest means a weaker ______  system, laying the body open to a whole ______  of illnesses. On the average a man needs seven hours of sleep a day and a woman seven and a ______  hours. Six hours of ______ sleep is better than ten hours of ______ and turning, however. People who sleep less than six hours a night are______ for an early death.
 Some people______ that they can get by with little sleep when necessary. But experts think these people are______  themselves.
Between sleep______ and fatal accidents there is an obvious______ . People who get ______  sleep or poor quality sleep have a higher risk of ______  on the road. They are more likely to fall asleep at the ______  and kill people or get killed. Professional drivers and______  workers are most likely to take the ______ . The performance at work also ______  because of sleep deprivation.
The pressures of work deprive people of sleep. To make it up, they try to______  catnaps. But experts are a little______  about the benefits of catnapping. They tell us that the catnap can never be a______  for proper sleep. For victims of ______ , catnapping in the day is the worst thing they can possibly do.
简答题 (51)Being angry increases the risk of injury, especially among men, new research says.
The researchers gathered data on more than 2,400 accident victims at three Missouri hospitals. They interviewed each subject to determine the patient’s emotional state just before the injury and 24 hours earlier, gathering data on whether the patients felt irritable, angry or hostile, and to what degree. Then they compared the results with a control group of uninjured people.
(52)Despite widespread belief in “road rage,” anger did not correlate with injuries from traffic accidents.
(53)Not surprisingly, anger was strongly associated with injuries inflicted deliberately. But other injuries – those neither intentionally inflicted nor from falls or traffic accidents – also showed strong associations with anger.
(54)The correlations were significantly weaker for women than for men, but there were no differences by race. The authors acknowledge that their data depend on self-reports, which are not always reliable.
(55)Why anger correlates with injury is not known. “I can speculate that the anger may have prompted some behavior that led to the injury, or may have simply distracted the person, leading indirectly to the injury,” said the study’s lead author.
填空题 Last year French drivers killed______ than 5,000 people on the roads for the first time in decades. Credit goes largely  ______  the 1,000 automated radar cameras planted on the nation’s highways since 2003, which experts reckon ______  3,000 lives last year. Success, of course breeds success: the government plans to install 500 ______  radar devices this year.
So it goes with surveillance these days. Europeans used to look at the security cameras posted in British cities, subways and buses  ______  the seeds of an Orwellian world that was largely unacceptable in Continental Europe. But last year’s London bombing, in which video cameras  ______  a key role in identifying the perpetrators, have helped spur a sea change. A month ______  the London attacks, half of Germans supported EU-wide plans to require Internet providers and telecoms to store all e-mail, Internet and phone data for “anti-terror” ______ . In a British poll, 73 percent of respondents said they were  ______  to give up some civil liberty to improve ______ .
简答题 (66) Application files are piled highly this month in colleges across the country. (67) Admissions officers are poring essays and recommendation letters, scouring transcripts and standardized test scores.
(68) But anything is missing from many applications: a class ranking, once a major component in admissions decisions.
In the cat-and-mouse maneuvering over admission to prestigious colleges and universities, (69) thousands of high schools have simply stopped providing that information, concluding it could harm the chances of their very better, but not best, students.
(70) Canny college officials, in turn, have found a tactical way to response. (71) Using broad data that high schools often provide, like a distribution of grade averages for entire senior class, they essentially recreate an applicant’s class rank.
(72) The process has left them exasperating.
(73) “If we’re looking at your son or daughter and you want us to know that they are among the best in their school, with a rank we don’t necessarily know that,” said Jim Bock, dean of admissions and financial aid at Swarthmore College.
(74) Admissions directors say strategy can backfire. When high schools do not provide enough general information to recreate the class rank calculation, (75) many admissions directors say they have little choice and to do something virtually no one wants them to do: give more weight to scores on the SAT and other standardized exams.
简答题 Recently, a newspaper carried an article entitled: “We Should No Longer Force Gong Li and Zhang Yimou to Take Part in National Politics”. The article argued that some artists and film stars are unwilling or unqualified to represent the people in the People’s Congress or the People’s Political Consultative Conference, and they should not be forced to do so. What do you think? 查看答案