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填空题 Inadequate rest means a weaker ______  system, laying the body open to a whole ______  of illnesses. On the average a man needs seven hours of sleep a day and a woman seven and a ______  hours. Six hours of ______ sleep is better than ten hours of ______ and turning, however. People who sleep less than six hours a night are______ for an early death.
 Some people______ that they can get by with little sleep when necessary. But experts think these people are______  themselves.
Between sleep______ and fatal accidents there is an obvious______ . People who get ______  sleep or poor quality sleep have a higher risk of ______  on the road. They are more likely to fall asleep at the ______  and kill people or get killed. Professional drivers and______  workers are most likely to take the ______ . The performance at work also ______  because of sleep deprivation.
The pressures of work deprive people of sleep. To make it up, they try to______  catnaps. But experts are a little______  about the benefits of catnapping. They tell us that the catnap can never be a______  for proper sleep. For victims of ______ , catnapping in the day is the worst thing they can possibly do.
填空题 Last year French drivers killed______ than 5,000 people on the roads for the first time in decades. Credit goes largely  ______  the 1,000 automated radar cameras planted on the nation’s highways since 2003, which experts reckon ______  3,000 lives last year. Success, of course breeds success: the government plans to install 500 ______  radar devices this year.
So it goes with surveillance these days. Europeans used to look at the security cameras posted in British cities, subways and buses  ______  the seeds of an Orwellian world that was largely unacceptable in Continental Europe. But last year’s London bombing, in which video cameras  ______  a key role in identifying the perpetrators, have helped spur a sea change. A month ______  the London attacks, half of Germans supported EU-wide plans to require Internet providers and telecoms to store all e-mail, Internet and phone data for “anti-terror” ______ . In a British poll, 73 percent of respondents said they were  ______  to give up some civil liberty to improve ______ .