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(51)Being angry increases the risk of injury, especially among men, new research says.
The researchers gathered data on more than 2,400 accident victims at three Missouri hospitals. They interviewed each subject to determine the patient’s emotional state just before the injury and 24 hours earlier, gathering data on whether the patients felt irritable, angry or hostile, and to what degree. Then they compared the results with a control group of uninjured people.
(52)Despite widespread belief in “road rage,” anger did not correlate with injuries from traffic accidents.
(53)Not surprisingly, anger was strongly associated with injuries inflicted deliberately. But other injuries – those neither intentionally inflicted nor from falls or traffic accidents – also showed strong associations with anger.
(54)The correlations were significantly weaker for women than for men, but there were no differences by race. The authors acknowledge that their data depend on self-reports, which are not always reliable.
(55)Why anger correlates with injury is not known. “I can speculate that the anger may have prompted some behavior that led to the injury, or may have simply distracted the person, leading indirectly to the injury,” said the study’s lead author.


Paraphrasing :( 3 points each)
51. According to new research, getting angry adds to the chances of getting physically hurt, particularly for male.

52. even people gen[size=5][/size]erally believe hat people easily get angry when driving on the road, but anger didn’t have much/anything to do with injuries from traffic accidents,/but not many injuries from traffic accidents are the results of anger on the road.

53. It is not at all surprising that anger is a very important reason for people who intentionally hurt themselves.

54. We see this strong link between anger and injury more in men than in women, but different races of people did not show much variation.

55. People do not know yet why anger is associated with injury.


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