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There are not many teachers who are strong ________ of traditional methods in English teaching.
  • A.sponsors

  • B.contributors

  • C.advocates

  • D.performers




单选题 I think she hurt my feelings ________ rather than by accident as she claimed. 查看答案
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单选题 Although most dreams apparently happen ________, dream activity may be provoked by external influences. 查看答案
单选题 According to the passage, many career women find themselves in difficult situations because ________. 查看答案
单选题 They had fierce ________ as to whether their company should restore the trade relationship which was broken year ago. 查看答案
单选题 Some people claim that nuclear energy is essential because ________. 查看答案
单选题   查看答案
单选题 According to the passage, “things formerly judged to be best left unsaid” (Line 2, Para. 1) probably refers to “________”. 查看答案
单选题 To achieve success in your career, the most important factor, according to the passage, is to ________. 查看答案
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单选题 Even though he was guilty, the ________ judge did not send him to prison. 查看答案
单选题   查看答案
单选题 During the nineteen years of his career, France Batiste has won the ________ of a wide audience outside Italy. 查看答案
单选题 The reason why women and blacks play down their visibility is that they ________. 查看答案
单选题 There are not many teachers who are strong ________ of traditional methods in English teaching. 查看答案
单选题 As a ________ actor, he can perform, sing, dance and play several kinds of musical instruments. 查看答案
单选题 The morning news says a school bus ________ with a train at the junction and a group of policemen were sent there immediately. 查看答案
单选题 The passage is mainly about ________. 查看答案
单选题 He was ________ to steal the money when he saw it lying on the table. 查看答案
单选题 In general, matters which lie entirely within state borders are the ________ concern of state governments. 查看答案