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  • A.about

  • B.of

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  • D.on




单选题 Not only _____ late, he also forgot his book. 查看答案
单选题 At first the owner of the shop thought that Tom __________ . 查看答案
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单选题 What does the man usually talk about when he first meets someone? 查看答案
单选题 What does the man want Susan to be told? 查看答案
单选题 On______ the bad news, she cried with her face ______ in his hands. 查看答案
单选题 We should do all we can ______ the children who lost the chance to go to school. 查看答案
单选题 When did Mary arrive at school? 查看答案
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单选题 From the story we know that _________ cheaper than the list price. 查看答案
单选题 Was it because of the heavy snowstorm in Europe ____ the flight had to be put off? 查看答案
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单选题 Why did he rush to the door when he heard the bell ring the second time? 查看答案
单选题 News comes that an exhibition of paintings _______ at Hebei Museum next week. 查看答案