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A US buyer has the same buying behavior as a Mexico consumer.




    单选题 Many governments have promised to take measures to help the unemployed. 查看答案
    单选题 Because of the mutual benefits no one would take a breach of those law lightly. 查看答案
    单选题 Figures show that the bulk of our foreign obligations consist of non-bank trade-related credits. 查看答案
    判断题 Economy of the Western industrial countries highly depended on their export. 查看答案
    判断题 The detergent was popular in Japan. 查看答案
    单选题 Discrimination against goods from foreign countries is prohibited by WTO. 查看答案
    单选题 Economists reckon Japanese bilateral trade surplus with America is also growing rapidly. 查看答案
    单选题 Even the well established consultants are finding it hard to secure definitive lucrative projects. 查看答案
    判断题 The US economy was not influenced by the financial crisis. 查看答案
    判断题 The trade war against Japan had successfully decreased the US’s trade deficit. 查看答案
    判断题 Perhaps buying preferences are quite different among national borders. 查看答案
    判断题 Advertising and coupons are examples of marketing campaigns. 查看答案
    单选题 The authorities are willing to permit a run-down in the country’s international reserves over the next few years. 查看答案
    单选题 Foreign investors want to enjoy the same tax status as the domestic ones. 查看答案
    判断题 A US buyer has the same buying behavior as a Mexico consumer. 查看答案
    判断题 Japanese consumers usually like large boxes because they are lower in prices. 查看答案
    单选题 Investment funds have moved out of commodities and into liquid assets. 查看答案
    单选题 More than a decade of fast growth makes China to supplant Japan as West’s main trade worry in Asia. 查看答案
    判断题 “bargain-basement prices” means high prices. 查看答案
    单选题 America’s embrace of the free-trade agreements balanced all the criticism from the developing countries. 查看答案