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I've readof the book,but I don’t find it very interesting.
  • A.lmuch

  • B.many

  • C.lot




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单选题 What is this text about? 查看答案
单选题 At the end of the next,the writer suggests that we should——· 查看答案
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单选题 一How many books have youread this week?
单选题 What are mentioned as beautiful things in thetext7. 查看答案
单选题 What do we know from theconversation? 查看答案
单选题 Ireally don’t know——he’s SO angry. 查看答案
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单选题 If someone suggests thatyou have lunch with him,you know that he will pay· 查看答案
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单选题 The text tellsUS——————————. 查看答案
单选题 If someone is invited toyour home for a meal,he must bring some food with him. 查看答案
单选题 Great changes————————since I left three years ago. 查看答案
单选题 Why do most people shopfor food at the supermarket instead of on the Internet? 查看答案
单选题 Who are the two speakers? 查看答案