题库 题库


    In a public-key cryptosystem, _A_ encrypted with the public key can only be deciphered with the private key from the same _B_. Conversely, _A_ encrypted with the private key can be decrypted only with the public key. Users can make their public keys _C_ available or place them at a key distribution center or others to access. However, the private key must be _D_ safe. In public-key systems there’s no _E_ to find a safe channel for communicating a shared secret key.
A:①binarytext        ②hypertext        ③plaintext        ④supertext
B:①length            ②pair            ③size            ④space
C:①free            ②freely        ③locally        ④partly
D:①keep            ②keeped        ③keeping        ④kept
E:①more            ②necessary        ③need            ④space


A3    B2    C2    D4    E3
