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Google claims its plan for the world's biggest online library is _____.
  • A.to serve the interest of the general public

  • B.to encourage reading around the world

  • C.to save out-of-print books in libraries

  • D.to promote its core business of searching




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单选题 M: I don’t know what to do. I have to drive to Chicago next Friday for my cousin’s wedding, but I have got a Psychology test to prepare for.
W: Why don’t you record your notes so you can study on the way?
Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?
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单选题 W: Have you heard the news that Jame Smeil has resigned his post as prime minister?
M: Well, I got it from the headlines this morning. It’s reported that he made public at this decision at the last cabinet meeting.
Q: what do we learn about Jame Smeil?
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单选题 M: Professor Wright, you may have to find another student to play this role, the lines are so long and I simply can’t remember them all.
W: Look, Tony. It is still a long time before the first show. I don’t expect you to know all the lines yet. Just keep practicing.
Q: What do we learn from the conversation?
单选题 What does the speaker say about watching television? 查看答案
单选题 M: Hello, this is Dr. Martin from the Emergency Department. I have a male patient with a fractured ankle.
W: Oh, we have one bed available in ward 3, send him here and I will take care of him.
Q: What are the speakers talking about?
单选题 Opponents of Google Books believe that digitally archiving the world's books should be controlled by _____. 查看答案
单选题 What does the woman propose as a solution to the problem? 查看答案
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单选题 What does the man say about his stock of products? 查看答案