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第一周 记叙文
1 .王濛,女,25岁,黑龙江人;2.10岁开始滑冰训练;3.人生格言:永不放弃。
生词:短道速滑short­track speeding skating
Dear Jackie,
    I'm glad to tell you something about our short­track speeding skating player Wang Meng who won three gold medals in the Winter Olympics in 2010...
    Wish you all the best!
                                                            Li Hua


Dear Jackie,
    I'm glad to tell you something about our short­track speeding skating player Wang Meng who won three gold medals in the Winter Olympics in 2010.She is 25 years old and comes from Heilongjiang Province.When she began her skating training,she was just 10 years old.As a woman short­track speeding skating player,she works hard and always dreams to be the first in the Winter Olympics.Then her dream came true.It's hard to win one gold medal in the Olympic Games,even if you work hard.But can you imagine how she can win three gold medals alone?It's fantastic!I hear that her motto is “Never give up”.I think that's why she can succeed at last.I really admire her and want to learn from her.Do you think so?
    Wish you all the best!


单选题 (2011•江西六所重点中学联考)—Haven't you met each other at ________ party?
—Yes, but I can't remember whether it is ________ Christmas when we were in college.
单选题 (2010•成都二模)It's often less expensive to buy goods in ________ quantity,but you'd better examine ________ quality before buying them. 查看答案
单选题 (2010•湖南十二校第二次联考)If we expect ________ much cleaner world,we should attract ________ world's attention to protect the world. 查看答案
单选题 (2011•保定调研)The United Nations set ________ deadline for that country to accept ________ peace plan. 查看答案
单选题 (2011•哈尔滨检测)There was ________ accident yesterday.A car hit a tree and ________ driver was killed. 查看答案
单选题 (2011•重庆联合诊断性考试)—Have you seen ________ umbrella I put here this morning?
—Is it ________ black one? It is in the corner of our office.
单选题 (2010•苏锡常镇四市教学调查)China is ________ vast country which is home to ________ amazing variety of landscapes,plants and animals. 查看答案
单选题 (2010•河南毕业班调研)In America, if________ friend has invited you to drop by anytime, it is ________ best to call before visiting to make sure it is convenient for him. 查看答案
单选题 (2010•南京第二次模拟)We work together to achieve our common purpose:________ world that is safer,cleaner and healthier than ________ one we found. 查看答案
单选题 (2011•陕西质量检测)In Xi'an, although there is a good public transport system, ________ private car is still becoming ________ popular means of transportation. 查看答案
单选题 (2010•湖南师大附中)We all hold ________ belief that those who have ________ wonderful sense of humor are more popular. 查看答案
单选题 (2010•北京东城区期末)Because ________ unemployment is very high at present, it's not easy for a fresh graduate to find ________ satisfying job as he wishes. 查看答案
单选题 (2011•南昌调研)I wonder what it feels to be one of ________ really rich. The Browns already have two Rolls Royce and now they are buying ________ third. 查看答案
单选题 (2011•青岛市联合模拟)—Stay a bit longer,please.It's been such ________ fun having you here.
—Thank you,but I've got ________ early start tomorrow morning.
单选题 (2010•东北三省四市联考)—Anyone in mind for this position?What about Jack?
—He may be a good friend,but business is business.He is not ________ man for ________ job.
单选题 (2010•宝鸡教学质检)During the camp trip, children were fascinated by ________ wonders of ________ nature. 查看答案
单选题 (2010•江西六校联考)The driver was at ________ loss when ________ word came that he was forbidden to drive for speeding. 查看答案
单选题 (2010•成都第二次诊断)________ Chengdu you see today is ________ different city from what it used to be. 查看答案
单选题 (2010•唐山模拟)The 21st Winter Olympic Games were successfully held in ________ city of Vancouver, ________ big city in Canada. 查看答案
单选题 (2010•杭州市第二次教学质量检测)I got ________ bad toothache yesterday,which kept me awake ________ whole night. 查看答案