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判断题 The insurance documents generally refer to an insurance policy or more likely, a certificate of insurance. 查看答案
判断题 According to the comparative cost theory, countries should specialize in the production of goods and services they can produce most efficiently.A country is said to have a comparative advantage in the production of such goods and services. 查看答案
判断题 The U.S.A.was the largest trading partner of China in 2007. 查看答案
判断题 The WTO was established on Jan.1, 2005, created by the Uruguay Round. 查看答案
判断题 Depreciation means an increase in the value of a currency relative to other currencies. 查看答案
判断题 National differences in language, culture, social values and political systems can represent barriers to trade. 查看答案
判断题 There are 15 member countries in the ASEAN. 查看答案
判断题 Shareholders, in practice, are the ultimate governing body of the corporation. 查看答案
判断题 McDonald’s and Kentucky Fried Chicken have used licensing to reach consumers overseas. 查看答案
判断题 A firm offer is a promise to sell goods at a stated price, usually within a stated period of time. 查看答案